Purchased a new iPad and lost all my bonuses/rewards
Best Answer
Hi Nancy,
This article shows you how to get progress back, so don't worry about that. If you weren't previously connected to Facebook or the Kingdom please let us know and I will escalate to the King care team.
This article explains why boosters etc vanish
Hi Nancy,
This article shows you how to get progress back, so don't worry about that. If you weren't previously connected to Facebook or the Kingdom please let us know and I will escalate to the King care team.
This article explains why boosters etc vanish
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Not sure how to reply to chicken slayer, I no longer have the iPad I traded it in for the new one, help!
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Hi Nancy, did you see the first link I gave you about reconnecting to Facebook or the Kingdom?
If you weren't connected to either, come back and let me know and the customer care team can help you
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Thanks chicken slayer I lost my boosters but am back at level 428
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Unfortunately that happens as they save on the original device
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