How to access Gold Bars and Additional Lives
Level 1
In Alphabetty Saga the bar at the top of the map page shows the current number of lives and gold bars. How can I access them to use?
For goldbars, you will be able to spend them in the levels. Take a look at the boosters you can purchase and select from there. As for the lifes, you will not need to care about it until you run out of them! Whenever you do, you will be prompted a popup giving you the option to purchase more instead of waiting.
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I'm still unable to access the gold barsFor goldbars, you will be able to spend them in the levels. Take a look at the boosters you can purchase and select from there. As for the lifes, you will not need to care about it until you run out of them! Whenever you do, you will be prompted a popup giving you the option to purchase more instead of waiting.
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The only way to get gold bars is to spend money?0
Hi @playfarmer!
In AlphaBetty Saga the Gold Bars are available for purchase only. You can get Boosters though for free from various game features.
Since the game is free to download and free to play, the Gold Bars are offered as in-game purchases instead to monetize the game.0
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