Can we have support for 10+ letter words?

Currently the game (at least in Italian, both on Android and Facebook) doesn't recognize words longer than 10 characters - replaying older levels for higher scores made me stumble into this limitation several times.
Best Answer
Hey there Alessandro! Sadly, there are technical reasons on why there's a letter cap. I personally play on spanish and (although very rarely) have ran into the same issue multiple times. There's no plan to change it right now, but, who knows, maybe one day we'll have a look at it. Glad to hear there's someone like you replaying levels and looking for 10+ letter words
. Good luck with it and thanks for posting!
Hey there Alessandro! Sadly, there are technical reasons on why there's a letter cap. I personally play on spanish and (although very rarely) have ran into the same issue multiple times. There's no plan to change it right now, but, who knows, maybe one day we'll have a look at it. Glad to hear there's someone like you replaying levels and looking for 10+ letter words
. Good luck with it and thanks for posting!
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