I am playing Alphabetty Saga and I have solved level 410 and it won't advance to level 411.

Posts: 1
Level 1
in Support
It says to come back another day for more adventures. When I do and complete level 410 again, it still won't advance to level 411. How do I get the game to advance after the level is solved?
Hey there Jane! Alphabetty (as many King games) has 2 versions, a Flash one and an HTML5 one. For most of the games, including Alphabetty Saga, the flash version has been discontinued, as flash itself is being deprecated. Sadly though, the only version currently avialable at King.com is the flash one, which ends at level 410. To play beyond that you will need to do it either on mobile or on facebook. You can link your King account there to get all your progress! Thanks for posting and good luck on the lands beyond the moon!
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