Alpha Betty Saga Level 682

Level 3
Impossible level. Played it hundreds of times. Only got an 8 letter word once. It is obvious the level can't be won often after three moves. Go through five lives in a matter of minutes. Dropped the ball on this one too.
Initial board matters indeed, specially taking into account that the codices start off opened. This may sound obvious, but aim for a vertical line blaster on the 3-turns bombs (that'll count as a 5 letter word too, and then work your way through the magnets. If you manage to nail the first 3-5 moves, the rest is a cakewalk. ------- There are levels in which you have to be consistently good and until the very end you still have a chance of succeeding. In this case it's about being specially cunning at the beginning and following up from there. If you fail at the beginning, there's no point in continuing, you know you've failed the level, so try again!
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