level 659 alphabetty saga help?

Level 1
i see people have 3 letters next to the first plate at the bottom of the screen, but i only have 2, on each side, not connected to the plate. is this level even possible anymore?
It is - took me 3 tries to pass it again (without even shuffling, as I'm trying to pile up shuffles on Android for really nasty levels).
You need to create lineblasters to make room and remove move-stealing bombs, then one more diagonal lineblaster to smash plate #1. The remaining two will be trivial, if you get there
0 -
This level was changed because it was too dependant on initial board. If you could make a 3 letter word using the bombs the level became trivial. This was never the intention as it encouraged entering the level, checking the board and quitting if it was not the ideal one. --------- We've been making sure that the new version of the level is not harder than the original one, and so far, data indicates that they are very similar. Thanks for posting Kimmy, and thanks for your answer Alessandro!
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