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has anyone passed level 669?
hi @kayecuppateaa crown is created when making a 4-letter worda blaster is created when making a word longer than 4 letters
general strategy(quoting Herb) ... "You play the game with blasters ; you BEAT the game with CROWNS!"
each level is different ... some levels 3 letter words help meet the objective(but this is rare)
... for most levels crowns are necessary at the end to clear isolated objects(or to spread cheese)
... "Collect all the required words"(like level 669) use a combination of crowns and blasters to reach the objective(level 669 requires four 10-letter words)
... blasted crowns add to a word's length
... most blasted crowns are returned to the board
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one of the people commented that you don’t get to Level being stupid...which I find absolutely 100%correct...but my patience has been tested..I can see now I will never get beyond 669..🤮 In these trying times my mind has been taken of C***D....but now I think it’s time to call it a day Alpha Betty...🥵
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hi @annspalding
669 is one of the tougher levels ... even with 23 moves ... it started with 13 moves in Mar 2018
if you decide to return and give it another try there is an example you can study
the example is completed in 16 moves ... 9 blasters were used ... along with 7 crowns(crowns were created on 5 consecutive moves)
2 of the 4 ten-letter words were achieved by blasting crowns(which preserves the crowns)
sometimes it helps to take a break when you hit a tough level
click on examples(below) in a new tab or a new window and scroll all of the way down to find level 669
click on the smaller image showing 25 moves left ... then use the right arrow to view the next move
good luck if you give it another go
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