Alphabetty Saga Level 691

Level 1
It seems impossible to complete this level. The blocks either side of the top centre never get a letter in them so can't be cheesed.
Best Answer
Hey John! Thanks for posting! Couple of things here: First off, the intention was for this 2 tiles to be cheesed with line-blasts. Then, we're trying to start using spawners (the tiles where letters appear) as a resource, so you have to care where to clear the board to have your spawners available. This was, though, a little bit too extreme for the time being, so we have changed it, and there's now 2 spawners in this tiles as you would have expected.
Hey John! Thanks for posting! Couple of things here: First off, the intention was for this 2 tiles to be cheesed with line-blasts. Then, we're trying to start using spawners (the tiles where letters appear) as a resource, so you have to care where to clear the board to have your spawners available. This was, though, a little bit too extreme for the time being, so we have changed it, and there's now 2 spawners in this tiles as you would have expected.
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