Is Alphabetty going to going past level 700?

Level 1
If alphabetty is going to get more levels after 700 I will Keep the game and wait it out....
Hi Lynn,
There will be more levels coming this week and more are planned for the end of the month and June, so there is still plenty of fun to have with AlphaBetty :-)
- Mia
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I don’t have the update until n
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Hi Grace,
What level are you on, at the moment?
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Hello im level 700
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Hey Grace, thanks for replying
I can see nBoo already answered on your post, but just in case, here you go:
"Levels from 701 to 710 are available on android and we expect to have them live on iOS and Facebook at some point today (Mon 14th).
Prepare yourself, for the words are about to arrive! Thanks for posting Grace!"
I hope that helps you too, Lynn
Have a fantastic day you two!
- Mia
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thank you
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You're welcome, Grace!
Don't hesitate to hang around on King Care as there's often good tips and there will be a few new things coming :-) For now, if you like, you can introduce yourself to the Community here:
Until then, have a Bubble-icious day!
- Mia
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Is there anything beyond level 710 yet?0
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