Players Rank? visible somewhere?

Level 1
I had a in-game pop-up message saying something like "congrats you are on top of the chart" or something like that, I cannot remember.
The thing is that i do not see fb friends at my level, actually there is none. I am currently at lvl 690.
So, the question is: is there a ranking page where players see who is on top of the chart OVERALL, not just fb friends.
thank you
Hey there! Right now we don't have such a feature. I would guess that the popup appeared becasue, you being the only one of your friends on that level, you were, indeed, the best one
Would you like to see a global ranking or a similar feature?
Thanks for posting!
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yes, it would be nice to know what is my rank and see who is on top, level-wise and maybe total score....even if the scores are quite pointless since they are just useful to get 3 cheese-stars.
As I understood this game is not so popular, I barely see events or such things. The wheel of fortune is a bit lame since it happens once a week, or once a month. For sure not the 24h
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There could be some Ranking page for all King games, where users could sort/filter by game or something like that.0
until a global score board is added ... here is a sampling of scores from a group of PC players... open in a new tab or a new window ...
0 - - the booster wheel is available every 24 hours - but only between the hours of noon - 2 p.m. (I assume according to whatever time zone you are playing in). I usually forget and so I have only got boosters a few times.0
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