Levels 651-700 is not recording new highscores
I have cleared all the levels in the Swedish version of AlphaBetty (700). After I clear the new levels I go back and beat my scores on previous levels. However, I discovered that from around level 651 and up to 700 the new highscores doesnt register in most levels. I have screenshots of a few. Hope you will correct this if possible. It's fun to go back and beat the scores, but if it doesn't register, What's the point?... http://imgur.com/a/q4Gilie
Best Answer
This has been a known issue for about a month now. It seems that the fix is in the new release which is out on Facebook (where I just finished level 710) but not yet on Android - last release lagged about 1 day behind the FB one, so let's be hopeful and keep checking back!
Edit: nevermind, the Android version is out as well... have a go at it and let us know
This has been a known issue for about a month now. It seems that the fix is in the new release which is out on Facebook (where I just finished level 710) but not yet on Android - last release lagged about 1 day behind the FB one, so let's be hopeful and keep checking back!
Edit: nevermind, the Android version is out as well... have a go at it and let us know
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Thanks my friend. Everything is updated!This has been a known issue for about a month now. It seems that the fix is in the new release which is out on Facebook (where I just finished level 710) but not yet on Android - last release lagged about 1 day behind the FB one, so let's be hopeful and keep checking back!
Edit: nevermind, the Android version is out as well... have a go at it and let us know
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