No sound on Candy Crush Saga.

Level 1
No sound on Candy Crush. It came back one session but has gone again. 3 days now.
Best Answer
Hi Desley,
Are you using Chrome as your browser? If so:
Open Chrome and type in the address bar --> chrome://flags/#autoplay-policy
On the highlighted option (autoplay) select no user gesture is required
Then in the bottom right corner select restart browser.
Hi Desley,
Are you using Chrome as your browser? If so:
Open Chrome and type in the address bar --> chrome://flags/#autoplay-policy
On the highlighted option (autoplay) select no user gesture is required
Then in the bottom right corner select restart browser.
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Don't use Chrome. Still have no sound today.
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Thanks for the info anyway. Regards.
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What browser/device are you using? Does it work in a different browser?
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