Am I the only one who thinks that level 717 of Alphabetty Saga, needs a few more moves?

Level 2
The combination of a limited playing area, rocks and move stealers(and Betty's tendency to not play nice when doling out letters) , makes it virtually impossible to complete the level with the current amount of moves. 6/1/2-18
11 moves makes it tough. I'm not giving up though.
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Hey! The intention behind this level is to build a challenge in which you are forced to create multi-diagonal line blasters, since even when making every move a single-diagonal line blast won't make the cut.
The level fulfills that role, but it does it a little bit too well and, as you Sue point out, it is a bit more difficult than intended. I changed it today to have 13 moves instead of 11 with the hope that it retains its role, but doesn't become a roadblock.
Thanks for the feedback, and good luck with the words!
(PS: never give up IEEEgal, NEVER!)
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And now it's a piece of cake.
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Yeah, I passed it with 11 (actually 9 unless I'm mistaken) - I was lucky to be able to get repeated 6+ words on the same square where I could hit both diagonals
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