How can I purchase in app gold bars on my device?

Level 1
Help please! I am unable to purchase in app gold bars from Candy Crush Saga. The app was purchased on google play on a new Samsung Galaxy J7phone. I have tried every trouble shooting suggestion I can find and still receive this message: Error - your transaction cannot be completed. Learn more. I have also followed all of the instructions with Google pay to fix this isuue with no success. Any ideas?
Hey CandyKatie,
Really sorry you have been able to make a purchase
From the error message, it seems that it's an issue on Google Play side and not ours. I'd suggest you to run a search on Google "error your transaction cannot be completed google play" to find a solution to your problem.
I hope that's helpful, let me know how it goes :-)
Until then, have a bubble-iffic day!
- Mia
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