I changed phones and lost all my boosters. How do i get them back?
Hi Tedra,
I completely understand your frustrations at losing all those hard-earned items.
Boosters are saved directly in your device's memory, which always allows you to use them while playing offline. However, as they are saved directly to your device, sometimes by deleting and reinstalling the game or with an update of either your device's operating system or of the game itself, then the boosters can, unfortunately, be lost.
More info there: https://care.king.com/en/alphabetty-saga/superstar-information-post-where-did-my-free-boosters-go-on-my-mobile-device
I've sent you a private message for more details on your boosters and see what can be done - click on the envelop near your avatar on the top right corner to access it.
Until then, have a Fun-tastic day :-)
- Mia
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