A COMMENT... Releasing 2 levels a week is toooo much. One new level is exciting, 2 is exhausting!!!
Posts: 2
Level 1
in Support
I look forward to playing a new level once each week. Two levels is overkill!!! No time to collect boosts which are necessary to the game play
How do I get the "chicks" on level 304 on farm hero saga?
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Hi Joni,
I'm sorry you find it exhausting, but two is better than none, no? Hehe, personally, I never have enough :-P
@Karleenv, the best thing to do when you are finding a level a little tricky is to watch a YouTube tutorial or two.
Simply go to YouTube and search for "get the "chicks" on level 304 on farm hero saga" and you'll find a wide selection of videos to watch.
You might want to look at the post: https://care.king.com/en/farm-heroes-saga/stuck-on-level-304-in-farm-heroes
Good luck and let me know how that goes for you!!
- Mia
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