Level 729 alphabetty

Posts: 23
Level 3
in Support
Level 729 is stupid. You have maximum 14 plays to get all of the following: 5 6-letter words, 4 7-letter words, and 3 8-letter words. So out of 14 plays, you have 2 to spare. The result is that after only three plays, if you have not got any words yet, there is no sense playing further. End result, go through 5 lives in as many minutes. And then they load the thing up with hiding letters, and blocks... I don't mind if they are difficult, if I get play time out of it. This is just so stupid.
Oh wow, this one has just shown up. You did well to get past it and as high as you have
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Wait till you get to 742. Impossible to do without buying something....
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I hate levels like that
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