Where are level instructions
Best Answer
472 is a cheese plate level, which is completed by hitting plates in the order of the numbers on the plates themselves.
"hits" are delivered by creating words whose letters are adjacent to plates, OR by setting off lineblasters in the direction of plates.
472 is thus fairly obvious - you need to clear up the central tile and create diagonal lineblasters right there. One lineblaster per diagonal, or a single lineblaster firing on both diagonals.
472 is a cheese plate level, which is completed by hitting plates in the order of the numbers on the plates themselves.
"hits" are delivered by creating words whose letters are adjacent to plates, OR by setting off lineblasters in the direction of plates.
472 is thus fairly obvious - you need to clear up the central tile and create diagonal lineblasters right there. One lineblaster per diagonal, or a single lineblaster firing on both diagonals.
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