I am on level 755 and find it quite impossible. I only have 6 gold bars left and do not wish to pur

Level 1
I am on level 755 in AlphaBetty and it's quite impossible. There was a level way back earlier in the game that allowed me to build up extra moves. I had 35 of them in an icon at the right of the screen. I can't remember what level that was so I can go back and redo it to earn some extra moves. Does anyone know what level that was, maybe in the 300's or 400's?
Hey Betty,
I agree, level 755 can be challenging! I do not know which level you are referring to, unfortunately but I ca give you some tips to pass it
The best thing to do when you are finding a level a little tricky is to watch a YouTube tutorial or two.
Simply go to YouTube and search for Alpha Betty level 755 and you'll find a wide selection of videos to watch.
Always make sure the title says "no boosters" or similar to make sure the other player didn't make it easy for themselves!
Please note there may be occasional differences as we do make changes to some levels. If the level in the video is different to the one you have in the game then please go to back to the search page, select Filter and then choose Upload Date, to see the most recent videos.
Good luck and let me know how that goes for you!
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