Explain how to play game #96 of AlphaBetty (Spread the cheese over 44 moves)?
Best Answer
Hello Peewee,
I hope you're having a good Friday!
In level 96 you have to spread the cheese over 44 letters, not moves Here's a video that shows how to do it: https://sagalevelhelp.com/alphabetty/level-96
I'd suggest you to keep an eye on that site or on Youtube as it really helps in case you get stuck: https://sagalevelhelp.com/alphabetty#all-episodes
Let me know how that goes for you. Good luck!
Hello Peewee,
I hope you're having a good Friday!
In level 96 you have to spread the cheese over 44 letters, not moves Here's a video that shows how to do it: https://sagalevelhelp.com/alphabetty/level-96
I'd suggest you to keep an eye on that site or on Youtube as it really helps in case you get stuck: https://sagalevelhelp.com/alphabetty#all-episodes
Let me know how that goes for you. Good luck!
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Thank you Mia, you solved my problem
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You're welcome! I'm very happy to hear it helped
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