What is a + tile? I can't figure out how to use them. - AlphaBetty
Hey DGol,
Thanks for posting! In order to help you I'd need a little more info please
What level are you at?
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Thank you Mia. I managed to pass the level eventually. I noticed that the + tiles kept coming, but I made words around them -- since I never did figure out how to use them! I think it was Level 413.Hey DGol,
Thanks for posting! In order to help you I'd need a little more info please
What level are you at?
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Queen Mia, you did not reply to my comment. Does this mean you did not see it, or don't know the answer?
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Hello DGol,
It's because I did not see it. For some reasons, there is no notification for that kind of comment. Sorry about that!
Thanks for letting me know the level, I could not see any info about a + sign, but I'll check that for you and get back to you!
Speak soon
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Well, I gave you the wrong game number ... it was one of the ones where you "find the letters." Thank you for your help!
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