Level 115 Alphabetty Saga - cannot get 3 stars

Level 2
Despite there being a number of people raising this over the last couple of years, there seems to be no imporvment in this level. I (and many others) are unable to complete this episode with 3 stars for all levels as this one level seems to not count the scores properly.
What is the required score for 3 stars? I have repeatedly scored over 22000 yet still cannot get even close to the third star. It seems broken.
Please help!
Best Answer
Platform is Android, where I play shuffle-less (with the exception of very rare occasions), hence you see the piled-up daily boosters; but I can achieve similar results on Facebook.
I just go through boards looking to get 2 or 3 golden tiles in a single word, the longer the better.
For this specific board (and 142 as well) trying to get crowns works best score-wise, as most times lineblasters from saved moves don't add up when they criss-cross in the end - but best overall is to not get the 7-letter word until the very end and keep stacking 6-letter ones that allow you to score 1000+ points per move. That's anyway icing on the cake, as a suitable enough long word with 3 golden tiles may get you 8000+ points in a single move.
Same here - max 2 stars :-|
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Replayed a few times, got 3 stars at over 25000 (best is 32k+), but played switching artifact from Cowboy Mouse to Barney the Vampire.
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Thanks - it's clearly doable. Did you go for finishing as soon as you could with long words or trying to get lots of crowns at the end?
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Oh, and on what platform?
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Platform is Android, where I play shuffle-less (with the exception of very rare occasions), hence you see the piled-up daily boosters; but I can achieve similar results on Facebook.
I just go through boards looking to get 2 or 3 golden tiles in a single word, the longer the better.
For this specific board (and 142 as well) trying to get crowns works best score-wise, as most times lineblasters from saved moves don't add up when they criss-cross in the end - but best overall is to not get the 7-letter word until the very end and keep stacking 6-letter ones that allow you to score 1000+ points per move. That's anyway icing on the cake, as a suitable enough long word with 3 golden tiles may get you 8000+ points in a single move.
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Got it - thanks for the help!
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