Alphabetty saga level 794

Level 1
Impossible to win, not enough plays, only 16 or 17. Even with the crowns! HELP!
I'm in the same problem. Desperate! Any solution?
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First clear as many as you can from the bottom. Then get slashers on top row at both ends to knock out the magnets. Then make 4 letter words to get stars which will burst the bubbles.
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They give me more moves so that I succeed! 18 moves instead of 16! That makes the difference
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Why can't you use line blasters to blast the bubbles in the bottom tier? I have set up many 5+ letter words on top but when I set them off, they don't pop bubbles. Very frustrating- not to mention obviously a glitch in the game.
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hi @Charly-4
💡The simple answer is "use crowns to pop empty bubbles"💡
Follow the sequence laid out above by @Lesley_McBride_2 ... then start making and playing crowns
🍮 🍮 🍮 🍮
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Yes I solved it a few days ago by making crowns but it just seems odd that blasters don't work at all on this level. Now, though, the game has ended on FB so I won't be able to play anymore unless it is on my phone which is too hard. Not impressed and their FAQ about why they ended it there is vague and offers zero explanation.
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congrats @Charly-4
some levels have quirks ... am always surprised when blasters are not the answer ... am glad you got level 794 ...
the end to ABS is not much of a surprise ... level 920 was released almost 2 years ago ... 2 major glitches remain as it goes off into the sunset ... most players in my group(54) quit when they passed 920 ... scrolling and find-the-letters(hide-the-letters) discouraged many from playing for "fun"
if you get access to a tablet in the future ... ABS is still working on mobile devices ... the amazon fire tablet has been a pleasant surprise
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Yes I noticed a glitch where a blank tile was made but could not be used in a word. It was on the find the letters games. Wasn't aware of any other one though. i have tried on my phone and it is tolerable so we shall see. I much prefer this game over Candy Crush actually.
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