New levels after 760?
Hello MTV!
My guess is that your game version is too old - Make sure that you update the latest version and that should open up to level 800.
Also clear cache and cookies to make sure the game is updated and refreshed.
If that does not, please let me know what device you are playing and what version you have.
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Hi Mia. I updated the latest version on my iPhone just today and see some differences but no new levels. I play the game from my iPhone, Android tablet and a computer and have the same issue. Nothing past level 760.Hello MTV!
My guess is that your game version is too old - Make sure that you update the latest version and that should open up to level 800.
Also clear cache and cookies to make sure the game is updated and refreshed.
If that does not, please let me know what device you are playing and what version you have.
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