Alpha betty level 297

Level 2
It seems to be impossible to pass level 297 in Finnish. There just are not enough possible words to pass. Been stuck for months. Please fix it.
297 is hard, agree.
Had to play 6 games before a good board came and I could pass - but I play without shuffling, which makes it harder, and finished with 5 moves left for a new best at over 33K
Tip #1: try to get 4-letter words. Resulting crowned tiles, when used for further words, will transform an existing letter into one needed for your word.
Tip #2: try making words out of non-crowned tiles first, as you may already have needed letters on the board - crowned tiles should be used when no obvious options appear available.
Good luck!
0 -
Still not passed. It would be easier if auto shuffle was possible to shut off. I could often still find words but the game auto shuffles twice and then all effort it wasted.
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