Win free boosters on AlphaBetty by telling us why you love the game!
Hello Betty's Friends!
It's time for a bit of sweetness
You are a lot of passionate AlphaBetty players around here and I'd love to know what makes you love that game (even though I already have my guesses on that!)
So would you like to share with me your love for the game and get yourself some free boosters at the same time?
Yes?! Amazing!
All you need to know is comment below and tell me why you love AlphaBetty - Don't forget to let me know what booster you would like in case you win
You have until Thursday 25h of October 13.00 CET to participate. Then 10 lucky winners will be picked up randomly and receive the booster of their choice!
Good luck everyone and don't forget to have a great day
T&Cs can be found here.
Best Answer
Hello guys,
Thank you for taking part of the Contest. Great news, you all won today! Let me know what booster you would like and as a reward for participating and because you showed so much love for the game, I will add not one but 2 boosters
Thanks guys and speak soon!
AlphaBetty is a great word puzzle game, with variety of levels and challenges that may add some toughness to the sheer fun, but never too much - and as such you keep coming back for more!
Plus, unlike other word puzzle games I play, there appears to be zero chance of cheating... which makes me wish to be able to compete on global scoreboards (or at least per-language ones).
Should random luck fall on me again, I'd pick an extra moves booster as it's the only one not available on the daily wheel
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Alphabetty is my favorite game of all time. It mixes knowledge and strategy for a unique brain challenge that is loads of fun.
The Alphabetty community is international, and we all have something in common: the love of the game.
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Amo questa gioco perché è un gioco impegnativo e nello stesso tempo divertente. Ogni livello è diverso dall'altro e superarlo con il massimo punteggio (fino a che non ottengo le tre stelle ) per me è qualcosa che mi da' molta soddisfazione visto che a differenza di altri giochi i pochi aiuti per superare i livelli (ruota giornaliera) si ottengono solo ottenendo punteggi alti. Propongo la possibilità di poter inserire i lingotti d'oro nella ruota della fortuna al posto di un mescola lettere.
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Hi Queen Mia!
I like to play "AlphaBetty Saga" because I am a fan of Cross Word Puzzles & Jumbles. This game is full of those... hence, it is one of my favorite games. Also, while playing, I am learning many more new words that I did not know that exist!!!
I am writing my answer almost at the last minute, hope you can still accept it.
** Any booster is good for me ---- just in case
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Hello guys,
Thank you for taking part of the Contest. Great news, you all won today! Let me know what booster you would like and as a reward for participating and because you showed so much love for the game, I will add not one but 2 boosters
Thanks guys and speak soon!
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Hi Queen Mia
I'd like to receive: Line Blaster or Big Blaster, hammer, and extra moves. Many thanks.
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Hi Mia,
if it's two then I'll pick Extra Moves and a LineBlaster
Too bad so few chipped in for such a great game, I'd rather have witnessed a couple hundred people try their luck here even if that meant not being picked as winner...
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Hello Sabrina, hello Alessandro,
Yes, it's a pity. Last time you were 23 to participate and this week, only 4 but hey, that's even better for you!
I've added the booster but was unable to give 5 extra moves.Therefore I added 9 Gold bars instead, which is the price for 5 extra moves.
Enjoy playing and have a great weekend
PS: If you like Candy Friends, we have an old brand new community with seriously sweet treats to win. Have a look here if you'd like
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Thank you very much! Have a great weekend you tooHello Sabrina, hello Alessandro,
Yes, it's a pity. Last time you were 23 to participate and this week, only 4 but hey, that's even better for you!
I've added the booster but was unable to give 5 extra moves.Therefore I added 9 Gold bars instead, which is the price for 5 extra moves.
Enjoy playing and have a great weekend
PS: If you like Candy Friends, we have an old brand new community with seriously sweet treats to win. Have a look here if you'd like
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Thank You, Mia!
It would be great if I can receive Hammer / 5 extra moves / or the Line Blaster booster. Do not need the "Shuffle" as after certain moves, it gets activated.
So, will be happy with whatever you can give me
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