Records - Transfer Progress to another device
Posts: 7
Level 2
Hello everyone,
How do I transfer my game record to my phone? I have always played on my laptop.
Best Answer
Hello @Zanzoon_Kundukai and warm welcome to our vibrant AlphaBetty Community
It's really easy to transfer your progress, all you need to do is make sure you connect your game to your Facebook or Kingdom account. If you need help about this step, check here. Once you've saved your progress, you can simply download the App and start playing on your phone. All you'll have to do is log in via the same way (Facebook or the Kindgom) on your phone and your progress will automatically follow There's more info here and you can also browse our FAQ.
I hope that helps!
In the meantime, don't hesitate to have a look around and feel home! We have some sweet treats and at the moment, we're giving 1000 Gold bars away, so don't miss your chance to grab your Gold
Hello @Zanzoon_Kundukai and warm welcome to our vibrant AlphaBetty Community
It's really easy to transfer your progress, all you need to do is make sure you connect your game to your Facebook or Kingdom account. If you need help about this step, check here. Once you've saved your progress, you can simply download the App and start playing on your phone. All you'll have to do is log in via the same way (Facebook or the Kindgom) on your phone and your progress will automatically follow There's more info here and you can also browse our FAQ.
I hope that helps!
In the meantime, don't hesitate to have a look around and feel home! We have some sweet treats and at the moment, we're giving 1000 Gold bars away, so don't miss your chance to grab your Gold
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