An observation!!
Hello @QueenMia!
How come you have disappeared from the list in my game? I always try to beat your score (because you ask us to do it in Candy Friends )
Your name was appearing in the "winners" list till Saturday. But, was not visible from last night! I scrolled down to the starting levels & checked.... but, you are not there in the list anymore!! How come?
** Oh! I am @ level # 195
How come you have disappeared from the list in my game? I always try to beat your score (because you ask us to do it in Candy Friends )
Your name was appearing in the "winners" list till Saturday. But, was not visible from last night! I scrolled down to the starting levels & checked.... but, you are not there in the list anymore!! How come?
** Oh! I am @ level # 195
Hey @Pummy_Raj Hehe, you're good at spotting things! To be honest, I'm not sure... Maybe because I'm still at level 135 (Shame on me!) as I did not have time to play much lately!
Well done on getting ahead of me! There will be more Beat the Queen coming soon1 -
Oh wait, are you talking about Friends or AlphaBetty?0
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