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Where Can I chat in AB?
Posts: 12
Level 2
in Support
It says that Alphabetty has chat. How do I access it/set it up, what buttons do I press, do any filters have to be off, any computer or browser requirements?????
the chat room is no longer available with chrome ... and ... it is disabled with gameroom ... does anyone have any info about this?
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Hi @abe_coffee, if you were using a chat on the Facebook gameroom then that is Facebook's chat and has nothing to do with the King games. You might want to contact Facebook to find out about that.0
thank you Elsa ... what about chrome ... and other browsers?
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chat has disappeared from Alphabetty for a few weeks ... no one seems to know why ... apparently chat disappeared from other games too ... have not been able to find out what is happening ... maybe it is being upgraded
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If it has to do with Facebook then it would be the same on all browsers.0
thank you for the reply ... so king has nothing to do with the chat room ... does facebook tell king what they are doing regarding chat? ... apparently not ... so now we can move on and try to see if facebook will tell us what is happening(unless you already know what facebook is up to ... please let us know if king knows what is happening)
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As far as Facebook, I have no clue what they do! I do not believe that King would know anything at all about the chat room since it's the Facebook Gameroom.0
to be clear ... gameroom is not the only place where there WAS a chat room ... chat room was available using chrome, firefox, safari, and other browsers ... recent history - chat started going away on browsers a few weeks ago ... a week or so later chat went away on gameroom too ... several players are now trying to contact FB to get more information ... we shall see if FB is willing to share information on the status of the chat room
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I think that Facebook also has a chat room for Facebook groups.0
thank you for another thing to try ... I must compliment king on the Community ... this is so much better than Anna's replies(or non-replies)
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