Need Help on Level 208 of Alpha Betty Saga - Need MORE MOVES please!
Hello KING and the Community Manager(s)!
In level #208, there are only 13 moves given to find 3 UNKNOWN Words. I have never found the "Super Hard" marked levels are hard at all EXCEPT this variety!!
When very few moves are given, finding the letters from the "Given" words itself is hard, but manageable. But, with ? (Question Marks) in place of words -- Very Very Hard. Within 13 moves, I barely able to finish 2 words. Will it be possible to ADD more moves for all these kind of levels?
** I know many people are above level #500. I am puzzled how they are able to win these levels!!
Thanks a lot!
In level #208, there are only 13 moves given to find 3 UNKNOWN Words. I have never found the "Super Hard" marked levels are hard at all EXCEPT this variety!!
When very few moves are given, finding the letters from the "Given" words itself is hard, but manageable. But, with ? (Question Marks) in place of words -- Very Very Hard. Within 13 moves, I barely able to finish 2 words. Will it be possible to ADD more moves for all these kind of levels?
** I know many people are above level #500. I am puzzled how they are able to win these levels!!
Thanks a lot!
Best Answer
Tried that now, passed in 1 attempt, 2 moves left... comments/tips:1. change artifact to a +2 moves one (such as Mermouse) from the default Traditional Betty (not sure back-translation from Italian is 100% accurate for this artifact)2. take out immediately the central blocked tile dividing top from bottom - if you don't do that, chances are your game will be practically over in less than 5 moves3. since you don't know what the word is, try to aim for blasters initially and set them off at the earliest opportunity - that will likely provide you with an idea of the missing letters4. as soon as you can complete a word to be searched, do it even if you would have an optimal word coming up which isn't however touching letters needed to complete the word being searched; moves are at a premium on this level5. when you have made enough space and have multiple possibilities of letters which would complete the word to be searched, remember that creating a word using a crowned tile will change one of the remaining tiles with one of the missing lettersIf you think this is hard, you'll have a ball trying out getting 3 stars from level 512 (it took me well over 100, possibly in the high 200's attempts)1
Hey @Pummy_Raj thanks a lot for the feedback. I've just check some data and it shows that the level is indeed hard but doable. Still, I'll let the Studio know and see how they feel about tweaking it slightly - even though, as usual, you know I can't guarantee anything.
In the meantime, you found no tutorials that could help? Maybe our expert @Alessandro_Shas some tips? @Alessandro_S what's your opinion on the level?
Thanks guys and speak soon1 -
Tried that now, passed in 1 attempt, 2 moves left... comments/tips:1. change artifact to a +2 moves one (such as Mermouse) from the default Traditional Betty (not sure back-translation from Italian is 100% accurate for this artifact)2. take out immediately the central blocked tile dividing top from bottom - if you don't do that, chances are your game will be practically over in less than 5 moves3. since you don't know what the word is, try to aim for blasters initially and set them off at the earliest opportunity - that will likely provide you with an idea of the missing letters4. as soon as you can complete a word to be searched, do it even if you would have an optimal word coming up which isn't however touching letters needed to complete the word being searched; moves are at a premium on this level5. when you have made enough space and have multiple possibilities of letters which would complete the word to be searched, remember that creating a word using a crowned tile will change one of the remaining tiles with one of the missing lettersIf you think this is hard, you'll have a ball trying out getting 3 stars from level 512 (it took me well over 100, possibly in the high 200's attempts)1
Pummy_Raj ... here is some history.
1) On Feb 27 2018 level 208 was find 2 unknown words in 13 moves. It has since changed to 3 words.
2) those at level 500 most likely played level 208 BEFORE the find-the-letters levels were added to AB.
0 -
abe_coffee said:Pummy_Raj ... here is some history.
1) On Feb 27 2018 level 208 was find 2 unknown words in 13 moves. It has since changed to 3 words.
2) those at level 500 most likely played level 208 BEFORE the find-the-letters levels were added to AB.1 -
Hello @Alessandro_S!
Thank you very much for the tips. I did not get a chance to play the game as I was/am busy this week. Will get back to you once I play & ask you for more tips if needed. That's the reason, I have not picked your answer as the "accepted" one yet! Hope I am making sense
Have a great day/evening!1 -
Hello @Alessandro_S!
Finally, I was able to win the level # 208 after lots of trails. But, barely with a least score of 6552.
Am trying to get a better score whenever possibleJust wanted to let you know
Thank you for your help! Have a nice day/evening1 -
Hey @Pummy_Raj , glad you made it! As per the score, well you've got to start somewhere2
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