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alphabetty level 485 has defeated me. help please
don't quit ... there are notes with screenshots ... open in a new tab or a new window ... some screenshots have captions ... hope it helps ...
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Thank you, will check it out0
They must have fixed it after reading the other comments because I had a blast with this level. More fun than any other level I’ve played so far.0
Hello @ahreally, Hearty Welcome to our Alpha Betty section of our friendly King Community
Yes! Usually, when the King Studio sees that number of players of complained about a level, there are big chances that the Team tweaks those levels. That must have happened to this level # 485 too
I am glad to hear that you have enjoyed the level!
Keep having fun with the game being a word wizard! Have a wonderful day/evening!
By the way, here is a link for you to participate in a Contest for a word puzzle for you to win some Gold Bars -
something wrong with my level 485...starting with 54 chances to clear board....
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hi @rugcarpet1
here is some history for moves on level 485
started with 18 moves
... 22 moves(Oct 16 2018)
... 52 moves(May 10 2019)
... 54 moves(May 20 2020)
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thanks for the history but I still need help playing this level
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sorry @rugcarpet1 ... I thought you were making an observation
- this is good training for some of the levels in the 500s and beyond
- the plates need to be blasted
one basic approach ... plan to make 5 blasters(one for each plate)
try to save the letter S until you can make a blaster that can hit a plate on the next move ... repeat repeat repeat
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thank you😊
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Level 485 has defeated me also. I have looked up the help screens but my problem is this... All the screen shots I have seen are for a game where you make words. My game is find the letters to make 4 words. I can finish the level easy enough but am lucky to get 2 stars let alone 3 stars. HELP
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