What is my User ID and where can I find it?
If you’ve ever had an issue with one of our games and have contacted us in the past, you may have been asked to provide your in-game user ID.
This is a question often met with a little confusion, is it my email address? Is it my Facebook name? Don’t worry, we are here to clear that up.
Your user ID is simply your personal identifier that lets us locate your account and provide you with better service and assistance.
Finding your user ID needn’t be a chore either, the process is very simple. Here's all you need to know on how to get hold of this number. If you play on Facebook on computer, then click here instead to find out the number.
Open the game app and select your name/account.
Double tap on the King logo and and voilà, the logo should disappear to reveal your User ID.
You should now have all the information needed to find your User ID.
I need to know my ID but could not find. can you help me?
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Hi @luanacb Please follow the steps above in this thread to fin your AlphaBetty Game ID.0
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