send lives and open a level by accident

Posts: 1,976

in Support
This is annoying. Clicking on the send-lives-heart or the get-lives-envelope
can cause a level open. This happens when the heart or envelope 'hover'
over the icon for a level. This happens on PCs and tablets. This was reported
in Jan 2018 ... no reply from king or the forum. If you scroll down to level
196 and place the 196 icon beneath the red heart you can send lives and open
level 196 at the same time. If you find scrolling annoying ... you won't have
to scroll that far to make this happen.
Open in a new tab or a new window ...
Hey there @abe_coffee - Thanks for reporting this. The Studio has been looking into it and it will get fixed eventually but for now, the best thing to do is to move the map a little. Basically, what happens is that if you click on the Heart while the level shows underneath the Heart button, it will open the level. If you move the map in a way that there's no level underneath, it will work just fine. Not sure that makes sense, so here's a screenshot
In this scenario, the level will open:
If you move the map a little, it will work fine
The Studio has been busy and it's the holiday season now, but there will be a fix at some point. I hope that helps!0 -
thank you for duplicating the error ... thank you for passing it along to The Studio
1 -
You're welcome, @abe_coffee! Happy New year to you!
Don't forget to post here or tag me if there's anything0 -
most ABS glitches show up only on PCs ... this one shows up on tablets too 😮
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