(Competition Finished) Celebrate the Holiday Season with the Community! 1000 Gold bars to be won!

Howdy everyone!
Aren't you excited for the upcoming holidays? Because I for sure am! Time to go back home for a couple days and enjoy time with family and friends. I love the sense of belonging and that's why I love this community too! In order to embrace that feeling here as well, the Community Team has prepared a great contest for all of us to share that feeling!
As you know, we love to get to know you all more and more and welcome new members every day. The more we know each other, the more vibrant and sweet we can make this Community. So we would love to know what you are doing for the Holiday Season!
To celebrate with you all and make the Holiday even more magical, we are offering 1000 Gold bars!
1000 Gold bars!? What? How?!
It’s simple, just let us know by commenting below where you will be spending the festivities.
You might want to show us a picture – Remember that we are curious people and we love pictures here – or just tell us what you will be doing. Everyone is welcome to share and what you tell us is up to you! At the end, 25 players will be chosen by the Community Team and will receive 40 Gold bars each! All you need to do is have a happy, sweet, magical time and to share it with the Community!
Come join us in the celebration and Happy Holiday everyone!
Contest Terms and Conditions can be found here
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