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New Year - New device? 📱 Check out how to sync it! Android 🤖 | Apple 🍏
Win 50 Gold bars with AlphaBetty! (FINISHED)
Hello everyone! I hope you're having a fantastic day! And Happy New Year to all new members
To celebrate the New Year all together, we decided to offer some Gold! So now, you're wondering what you have to do to receive that gold! Well, it's VERY simple: We want to know how awesome you are at Alpha Betty. Let us know by commenting below what level you are on and that's it! Then 5 lucky winners will be randomly picked and receive 50 Gold bars each
You have until Tuesday 22nd of January 13.00 CET to participate.
Since everyone is always welcome here, all you need to do is post which level you are and hope to become one of the lucky winners! The level you are at does not affect your chances of winning, so everyone has the same opportunities of getting some Gold Bars!
Good luck everyone!
I’m on level 8600
I'm on 860. Waiting for new levels to be released.0
I'm al level 860. When I play to alphabetty I relax me.0
at level 860
0 -
860 ready for more!
0 -
Hi everyone. I am new on here and am on level 740. Thought I'd lost all my progress when I cleared my phone cache..that was scary0
Hello @tinawina!
Hearty Welcome to the "New" King Community
Even if you loose your progress, there is a way to get it back if you have saved it properly. Check this link posted by one of the Community Managers about how to save our game & to keep the level progress intact (just for future reference)!
Have a nice day/evening & a very happy new year!2 -
I am on level 335, unfortunately it seems to be glitchy so havn’t progressed for ages!0
Estoy en el 8610
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