(Unsupported Language) Language English

Quelqu'un pourrait m'aider à changer la langue, ou est-ce juste un bug?
Hello @kikineth and welcome to our vibrant Community!
I am sorry but we only use English on the King Community, to make sure that everyone understand and can be understood. Therefore, I'm going to close this thread for now. Please feel free to re-post your question in English and one of our member will be happy to help you
Regarding the language, we're having some issues with the language at the moment. Settings have been changed on our partner's platform and the game have been switched to English. Our Teams are working on finding a fix so you all can get the game back in your favourite language.
However, there's a work around for it: Open the game and click on ENGLISH on the bottom left corner. You'll send be able to select your language
More info here.
Thanks for your understanding and have a lovely week!
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