Bug in level 548
Posts: 3
Level 1
in Support
According to the rubric at the top of the first screenshot, I had completed the level requirements with 1 move left.
Despite this, I did not automatically advance to the next level. I spelled the word "papa" next using the crown on the "p" in the upper right corner, and then I got the level failed screen, which stated that I needed two more words. This is the second time this has happened, hence why I decided to screenshot it.
Even if I was willing to use gold bars to complete this level, how would I know which word lengths to aim for?
Despite this, I did not automatically advance to the next level. I spelled the word "papa" next using the crown on the "p" in the upper right corner, and then I got the level failed screen, which stated that I needed two more words. This is the second time this has happened, hence why I decided to screenshot it.
Even if I was willing to use gold bars to complete this level, how would I know which word lengths to aim for?
it looks like you ran into a problemsometimes there are not enough points to move on ... but it clearly shows one starare you using a PC or a phone(or tablet)?0
Hi abe_coffe,
I'm playing via an android phone0 -
Hi @shayshaylaboogie - just replayed this on Android, latest AlphaBetty update, finished it normally. What is your app's version?
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Hi @Alessandro_S,
I am using version 1.53.1.I played the level about 4 or five more times in this version and saw it once more before passing the level. I won't bother to post screenshots because I see that there is an update available and will download it now.
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