Stars not accumulating in AlphaBetty characters
Thanks, I’ll try that on those two artifacts. My more recent artifacts are also not accumulating stars even when I’m earning 3 stars either though. The ones that hadn’t ranked up all the way were all accumulating stars up until a few weeks ago. Since then, they are frozen. I’m wondering if deleting the app and reinstalling it may help. I’ve had this app on this particular device for a few years so I don’t know why my artifacts are suddenly frozen. I have all of the artifacts up to Traditional Betty. Are there more after that?
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note ... the range for accumulating stars on the artifacts is level 1 through level 365 ...
maybe this will help ... open in a new tab or a new window ...
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So earning stars on levels above 365 does not have an effect on artifacts currently available?
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that is correct ... after 365 you can brag ... but the artifacts are not affected
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Thanks abe_coffee that answered my question. I appreciate your help.
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you are welcome ... have fun
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