Betty is taking words before I release the mouse
sometimes worse than others - but when tracing letters trying to find a word - betty takes a word as soon as its formed without letting me release the mouse. It just ruined the one chance I have had on 912 - which needs more moves BTW. It is happening in Gameroom, on facebook on chrome and firefox. it tends to get worse the longer I play but its very annoying - please fix
also I have a wired mouse I am using and I have no problems with any other things on my computer
also I have a wired mouse I am using and I have no problems with any other things on my computer
When tracing letters trying to find a word - betty takes a word as soon as its formed without letting me release the mouse Fall is taken before I can add the ing!! This makes word games with certain number of letter very hard too complete on 885
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you may have a bad version of ABSbut ... this one time it might be your equipment ...Vincent had the same problem and replaced the mouse ...and it is now workingmaybe we wear out the clicker when we play ABS
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