Alpha Betty Level 236 can't spread cheese to center
This is nuts. There is an "end only" letter and a magnet in the low center of the board, just above three "rocks." By the time I get the rocks broken, the end only letter has magically disappeared, leaving only the magnet square in that little vertical alley. This leaves a gap where there are no tiles to spread the cheese to, leaving me with 4 spaces without tiles, so I can't complete the objective. I've wasted quite a few lives on this level and have to admit I'm stymied. I know I must be doing something wrong, but I can't seem to figure out what it is and how to play the level differently in order to avoid the same problem over and over, rather like the definition of insanity.
Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated!!
Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated!!
Best Answer
tiles appear5
hi @angiehere
please bear with this explanation ...
blasting exclamator R! right away causes a problem ...
tiles will not flow below the magnets ...a complete set of screenshots is available in a new tab or a new window ...
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an empty space remains after blasting R!0
blasting the lower magnet from the cheesed area successfully spread the cheese ...however the space for exclamator R! is still empty ...
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after blasting the lower magnet0
blasting the upper magnet solves the problem0
tiles appear5
That could not have been more perfect, abe_coffee! I just this moment completed the level, thanks to your step by step, sensibly detailed instructions. REALLY appreciate it!
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am so happy to help ... you did the work ... congrats
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