beating level 669
hello Hand
669 looks impossible ... but it is very beatable
four 10-letter words in 20 moves
general approach ... do not freak out because of the 10-letter words
one approach ... create crowns and blasters ... then blast the crowns to make long words
crowns that are blasted are returned to the board
the best way to make a 10-letter word is by blasting crowns as opposed to having crowns in the shorter word
look to make 6 letter words or longer and let the blasters hit crowns to make longer words
there is an example that took 15 moves ... open in a new tab or a new window
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Thank you for your help. I will try all your suggestions.0
good luck ... it may take several tries ... keep at it
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On level 669. Using a lineclearing. Letter eith crowns. Crowns are not being doubled0
My line blasters are not counting crowns as double points0
hi @sTc1961blasted crowns should add to a word's lengthplease post an image if this is not happeninghere is an example of 4 blasted crowns that add to a word's length
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Does not work that way for me. In your example i would only get an 8 count0
DANT4 letters in dant2 crowns in dant3 crowns are blasted4 + 2 + 3 = 9 lettersSHEEP5 letters1 crown in sheep2 crowns are blasted5 + 1 +2 = 8 letters0
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