
Bolly Posts: 1

Level 1

The game stops at level 410. What do I have to do to get the next level? I 


  • abe_coffee
    abe_coffee Posts: 1,976
    hi Bolly
    If you are using a PC try switching the browser to chrome or firefox.
    ... or you can try using gameroom on a PC.
    If you are using a phone or a tablet try downloading the latest app.
  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121 has still the old Flash Player version of the game which do not feature any further levels past 410.

    The game has all 920 levels when playing on Facebook or a mobile device.

    You can sync the game to Facebook under your Settings on or download the game to your mobile device and connect the game to your King account to continue playing from level 411.

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