Weekly Word Challenge! Win 70 Gold Bars if you find all the flowers. (finished)
Another week, another competition where you guys are impressing with so many words that you found on the board.
This week it was a super tight competition, but after double checking all correct answers this week's winner is.....
@RegalRenz ️🎉️🎈
...that had 20 accepted flowers found. Fantastic!
Being super duper close was @Sabrina_Menin with 19 flowers that were accepted and then @cindy920 and @juanmarcelo with 18 each.
Congrats to @RegalRenz who wins the 70 Gold Bars this week!
Next week we're travelling around the world and you'll find the new competition right here.
Take care!
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Woohoo! Thank you @Crazy Cat Lad!4
WOOOOW you all found so many!!!2
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