Daily Counter
What do you mean by stopped?
Doesn't the days count and go up when you open the game?0 -
No it doesn't. I sign in every single day and it's frozen at day 186. At least 6 other people have stated that their counters have stopped too.2
@Crazy Cat Lad ... this could be a new glitch in the ABS product ... the day counter appears to have stopped counting on my PC but seems to be working on my tablet ... there is a 2 day difference between the devices
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OK, thanks!
I will report this, but cannot say when it will be looked into since it doesn't affect the actual game play.
Have you tried reinstalling the game? It may help on most issues on mobile.0 -
will be reloading the app on the tablet soon(due to the too-many-lives glitch) ...today it appears that the PC count did not update and the count for the tablet did not update ...most of us will not be disappointed if this never gets fixed ...this is just another glitch with ABSthank you for reporting the glitchupdate ... just tried ABS with chrome - the counter is missingit is a new day Apr 25 ... status for this morning - counters for gameroom and the tablet did not update ... the counter on chrome is missing ... summary - no change from yesterday0
Disculpar la ignorancia. Para que sirve el contador diario?0
Excuse ignorance. What is the daily counter for?
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good question ... let's ask @Crazy Cat Lad
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it looks like @Crazy_Cat_Lad may be off for the weekend ... perhaps he can help on Mondaythis information is for @Crazy Cat Lad ... the app was replaced on the tablet but the counter did not incrementobservation ... it looks like there is still a glitch with the day counter0
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