Weekly Word challenge! Win 70 Gold Bars! (finished)
@RegalRenz - wow - I have a very long way to go to reach where you are. I'm sorry they aren't going to release any more levels. I like word games. I'm just taking my time with Alphabetty.0
@RegalRenz Level 920 is the last level and no more levels are planned at this moment.It's not either decided when or if new levels will come again in the game.
You never know what the future brings, but bare in mind, AlphaBetty Saga did end on level 410 once upon a time and more new tiles, words and cheesy levels came up after a couple of years rest.I can recommend to either go back and replay old levels and try to beat your previous scores.
The other alternative is to start over again from level 1. You can either start to play on a brand new account or just let me know and I will reset your game back to level 1 on your existing account.
🧀🐭💛1 -
@Crazy Cat Lad I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the studio will decide to release new levels. I really love Alphabetty.3
beaver, flea, raven, whale, swan, hyena, ant, ox, oxen, tiger, owl, moose, rat, baboon, kangaroo, seal, foal, bear, zebra, bat, fox, foxes, egret, eel, goat, emu, boar, ape, boa, moth, lion, lions, lynx, lynxes, sow, teal, fowl, horse, oriole, gar,
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