AlphaBetty Level 905
I don't think level 905 of AlphaBetty is possible in the amount of moves given. I used to play the game daily and I would buy extra moves if needed but with this level it hasn't been worth it because I haven't even came close to passing it. I have stopped playing for weeks now.
hi @Allyd25
level 905 is very difficult ... but beatable
plan A ... get a lucky board and good tiles after blasting the board
plan B ... create 3 or 4 crowns ... and keep blasting the crowns to make long words
... most blasted crowns are returned to the board in a new position
... blasted crowns add to a word's length
... try to avoid using crowns in a word when making a long word
there is an example that takes 12 turns ... open in a new tab or a new window
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