Change the time-frame for the daily bonus

Posts: 16,933

in Support
@Crazy Cat Lad - Can they please change the time-frame for the daily bonus? Most of the other King games is once every twenty four hours and there is not a specific time during the day when you have to get in the game and claim the bonus. AlphaBetty is between 1200-1400. I work during the day and do not take a regularly scheduled lunch so I always forget to claim my free daily booster! I play primarily very early (before work) and in the evening. I realize at this time they aren't planning on any new levels - but for those of us that have a ways to go (like me - I'm only on 142) I can still play the game for many more months and would like the extra booster help!
Thank you.
Thank you.
Hi @bearwithme !
There are no plans to make any changes for the Booster Wheel in AlphaBetty Saga, but I will pass on your feedback to the Game Studio!
0 -
Thank you @Crazy Cat Lad. I appreciate it.0
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