Weekly Word challenge! Win 100 Gold Bars! (finished)
Why is very sad ? @1838116460 , it’s a fun game with super sweet reward, don’t you think ?0
This week the winner is @RegalRenz .
And since you posted the first reply with words, you win 100 Gold Bars.
Now, it's time to go to the movies 🎬🍿🎫
Check it out here.1 -
Awesome! Thanks @Crazy Cat Lad0
Congratulation @RegalRenz😊1
@RegalRenz - that is awesome!!!! Congratulations and enjoy all that gold! 😊🎉1
Congratulations @RegalRenz 🎉🎉1
Congratulations @RegalRenz 🎉🎉1
@Crazy Cat Lad the gold bars weren't added to my game.0
I got it now. Thank you.0
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