How to play level 472
hello @MichelleR
... level 472 forces you to use blasters to hit the plates
... one approach ... early and mid game - break rocks ... mid and late game - blasters
... note ... a 4-way diagonal blaster in the center will hit all of the plates
... there is an example here ... open in a new tab or a new window
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First clear the stones in the middle on the level:
If you get rid off the other stones as well, it will get even easier to pass the level. Then try to make a word with 6 letters that ends diagonally so the Line Blaster will shoot into the four corners. Or make a 7 letter word that will shoot to all eight directions.
The word needs to end in one of the three upper tiles in the middle row so the Line Blaster you are making will end up in one of these tiles:
If the Line Blaster ends up in any of the two upper tiles in the mid row, make a word under it so it falls down right in the center:
Then make a word with the Line Blaster and it will shoot all Cheese Plates in one move:
Level completed!
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