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NEW Weekly Word challenge! Win Gold Bars! (finished)
Hello @Stuart_Allen! It's nice to see a fellow Fb Alphabetty comrade.0
Here are my names...
Ursula 9
Chip 12
and Pumba 12! Good luck to all!1 -
Ariel 6, Eric 7, Cinderella 170
Megara 7, Kaa 2, Chip 110
Dumbo 11, Dale 6, Lady 120
Are people getting gold bars? I haven't seen any yet.
0 -
Tramp 9 Baloo 8, Moana 80
Pocahontas, Cinderella, (Chief) Powhatan0
Just a reminder, once a Disney name/character has been posted, you can not reuse, and have to find another word. That might be why you are not seeing gold bars in your account. I can still find words that haven't been posted yet- so keep searching! Good luck!1
Pongo, ariel, dumbo0
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